Army of Heroes Mod APK

Army of Heroes is a popular and much-anticipated game that has finally been released for the public. You will have to use powerful mercenaries to destroy the dictator and bring peace to the world once again. The game utilizes guerilla warfare tactics where you will need to employ intelligent strategy, cunning, and plentiful resources if you want to prevail. To help you get started with Army of Heroes, here are some tips that will be helpful in playing battle strategy games.

- Learn how to employ a variety of mercs who each have different skills and abilities. Know how these skills can complement one another when fighting for your cause.

- Upgrading your mercs’ skills will be a crucial part of the game. You can upgrade your mercs from the camp menu by spending gold. There is a maximum of 2 skill upgrades available for each merc.

- Each merc has a 1% chance to receive an extra passive skill when you level up. If you do not like the one you already have, upgrade it afterwards and go on to unlock new ones through training!

- Each mercenary has a specific class they are not proficient in: The KSP - Heavy Weapons, NAP - Light Assault, NKS - Medium Assault, and SAG - Sniper. Each merc will have one of these classes. The reason why some mercs have more skills than others is because they specialize in each class. If you want to do more damage with your mercs, you need to make sure they are proficient in the right class.

- You can swap between mercs within a group by using the man menu.

- Each merc can be upgraded up to four times and will receive his own set skills on level 10.

- If you want your mercs to be efficient, you might have to sacrifice some of their innate stats and focus in on upgrades that will boost their efficiency for the money. Armaments that give accuracy and damage are always welcome.

- Always take out your mercs and let them do heavy damage. That’s the greatest way to level up speed, accuracy, and strength.

- Your mercs will need to be well-trained and equipped before they can be deployed by you in a mission. Merc personnel are much greater than other units so make sure to equip them as exquisitely as possible before sending them into battle.

- You need to be good at managing your gold if you want to be able to utilize your mercs properly. Get the right gear and upgrade them properly so that you can use them better.

- Make sure you always spend all your money because the money cap will increase when you play missions. Sometimes, it’s better to wait for gold so that you have enough money before upgrading.

- Before going on on a long quest, make sure to save your game because quests can take a lot of time. If you die during battle, any progress saved in that time will be lost as well.

- When choosing an objective, always make sure to execute a strategy that will help you get the best amount of resources.

- If you are not able to get allies during the course of the game, make sure to complete missions through sneak attacks and go for mission rewards like poison gas. There’s always something good to be found with mercenaries!

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