
To stregthen our understanding of the Unit, 'Adaptation and Survival' a myriad of events were organised in both scholastic and co-scholastic domains.It helped us as learners to communicate with the larger community and also broadened our perspective.

Grade 3 Kanha presented a student-led assembly on the concept of change and how the grade 3 learners perceive in their everyday lives.

Impact and takeaways from the workshop

Visit by
The We Exist Foundation

We had a fabulous session on kindness and empathy towards street animals.
The workshop left each one of inspired and increased our awareness about the work done by the 'We Exist Foundation' in looking after animals.

Where are the Butterflies?

Grade 3 students had the oppurtunity to have an engaging session with Ms.Deeksha Bhatia on why the butterflies are becoming extinct in city habitats and how we can bring them back.

Virtual Safari

We we part of a virtual safari trip of the national resserves in South Africa.

My virtual safari padlet.pdf

Workshop on Animal Habitat and Biodiversity by the Habitat Trust.

The vibrant and vivacious Vaishali Rawat from the Habitat Trust enamoured us through her engaging workshop on Animal Adaptation and Biodiversity.

Dance moves through the lens of Shadow Puppetry

This video talks about the learning of 3 Corbett students of Shiv Nadar School, Noida in TERM 1. This video showcases how the students depicted their favorite animals through hand gestures using shadow puppetry as a tool.

Each student was exposed to the techniques of Prop Improvisation and Shadow Puppetry. The students with their class anchor Radhika Kathal went onto create a 3 Corbett Jungle. The students thoroughly enjoyed this activity as you can see from the creative responses we got.

Kindness towards all

October 10 is celebrated as World Mental Health Day all over the world. The theme for the same, this year, was Kindness. Students were part of various engagements aimed at building a holistic understanding of Kindness, understanding different aspects of it, skills that take to be kind, need for kindness etc. The discussions also aimed at broadening the understanding of Kindness to include self, others, nature and animals. The classes also engaged in identifying and sharing kindness stories from their lives.

Impact of Human Beings on natural habitats

Through the lens of theatre we made connections how a tribe living near Betwa has converted waste found from the river into art by upcycling the material.We also reflected on the impact human negligience towards their habitat.

WinD Of Music From KhASi Hills

We got the opportunity of knowing more about the rich traditional folk music from Meghalaya. Danny Lyngdoh and Shemphanglin Khardewsaw ,two upcoming musicians, from the state, acquainted us with a wide variety of musical instruments such as Drums, bamboo flutes and small hand-held cymbals, used by the Kashi people during festivals and other ceremonies. It was a delight getting to know so much about various types of instruments and the webinar also gave us a glimpse of the rich cultural traditions of Khasi people.

Head Gear Making Workshop