Printed Parts

The saw-tooth wheel (right) and pawl (left) are the two most essential parts to the throttle limiting system. These parts are what allow us to have a multiple detent braking system. Each tooth is able to withstand about 7 pounds with an overall capability of holding about 20 pounds.

Here it can easily be seen that the teeth on the pawl and the saw-tooth mesh quite well and tightly.

The throttle casing keeps dust and dirt out of the throttle limiting system as much as possible. It is also a safety device to remove contact from pinch points within the mechanism

The casing was printed in two pieces due to size constraints of the printer and to make assembly of the prototype easier.

The above picture shows the assembled handle prototype. The pictures to the right show the two pieces of the handle as individual printed parts. The combination of these parts in the assembly provide a comfortable, ergonomic handle to drive the tractor.