
Mason Carrico - A biosystems engineering senior graduating in May 2018 focusing in machine systems. Mason grew up with a farming background and has always had an enjoyment of working on equipment. Biosystems seemed to be the best fit to combine an Agricultural past and a mechanical mind.

Jarred Givens - A biosystems engineering senior at the University of Kentucky. His focus area is in machine systems. Jarred grew up around agriculture and was always interested in machinery, particularly agricultural machinery. He was excited to find a major that allowed him to apply engineering principles to the agricultural field.

Juma Baryaa, an International student from Oman - A biosystems engineering senior at the University of Kentucky. I'm Specializing in Machine Systems. I didn't grow up in an agriculture background but I know where I come from needs Biosystems engineers. What I like about Biosystems is that it combines Agriculture and Mechanical engineering mind set.