
Fun Fact 1: In the FTCT universe, Irish cars drive on the right side of the road, but in the real world they drive on the left. It is unknown why this is the case, and it may never be revealed. 

Fun Fact 2: Freddie's family made their first animated appearance in Emmanuel Animations' 'The Ball' episodes, but Katherine didn't make an appearance.

Fun Fact 3: Freddie, Katherine and Lucas have been on the internet since The Ball came out, but the characters themselves were created in 2021.

Fun Fact 4: Two of the characters, Suzy and Hank, were in Freddie and Friends, a private book series with some of the FTCT characters written by Emmanuel David in 2021, like Freddie and his parents, but left Vroomtastic in the year 2018. This happened in Season 4 of Freddie and Friends, but the book in which it happened has not been written, and it may never be seen. The two characters may appear in an episode of FTCT, but it is currently unknown if they will.

Fact 5: When Dave was younger, he went to a completely all-Buddhist school, and was made fun of because of his religion.