
The first episode began production on 28 May 2023, a day before the trailer premiered on YouTube. The first episode's script was completed on 29 May 2023. The audio for Episode 1 was then recorded that same day, and the audio recording was completed later that week. During the final 6 days of Episode 1's production, the FlipaClip app on Emmanuel's device started crashing, and he was no longer able to access his project files on it. But he opened the app externally, and he continued working on Episode 1 and completed it on 29 July 2023, and it premiered on YouTube on 31 July 2023. During Episode 1's production, a few songs for the show's OST were made. Some of them turned out bad and were eventually deleted from the OST. Episode 2 started production on 30 July 2023 and was released on 30 October 2023. Episode 3 officially began production on 29 October 2023. Production has been delayed however, due to reasons such as lack of motivation, deterioration of the condition of the phone used to animate the show, and being preoccupied with other animation projects.