Original Soundtrack

Song 1: Let  The Angels Sing

Released on: 18 September 2023

The gates of heaven open slowly, and the angels sing in joy and harmony.

Song 2: Silent Suffering 

Released on: 27 November 2023

Freddie is all out of hope, frozen and scared, and the pain is silent but unbearable...

Song 3: On My Way To Dave 

Released on: 22 January 2024

The way to Dave was very simple, and Freddie wasn't that far from the evangelical man. But the question is... Why was Dave just sitting there?

Song 4: Warm Blues 

Released on: 4 March 2024

Dave was shocked to see that Lucas had still remembered what happened, and what Dave was saying, 3 months back. Lucas had called Dave to follow him for whatever reason...

Song 5: A Distant Memory

Released on: 3 June 2024

The memories became more and more vivid, it was as if it was in real life, in the moment. Such lovely and fantastic thoughts! But it was no more than a distant memory…