People & Partners

"...great people and partners helps to share the journey, the excitement, and the work..."

With anything in life, having great people and partners helps to share the journey, the excitement, and the work. 

The first Board of Friends Of Humber Bay Park  was elected at the 2020 Annual General Meeting.

The Friends Of Humber Bay Park Board

Mike Janetakes

Vice President
Bob Ancheril 


Theresa Petrillo 

Dave Kalbfleisch

Lenore Eng 

Emma Latham


We partner with the following organizations to make our mission a reality.  

Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)

Toronto Wildlife Centre

Park People

Friends Of Sam Smith Park

Protect Nature TO

Metro Marine Modellers

Humber Bay Shores Condominium  Association

Toronto Nature Stewards

Amber Morley City Councillor Etobicoke Lakeshore
Christine Hogarth MPP 

We are making a difference

The Founding Story...

Friends of Humber Bay Park (FOHBP) was established  on September 1, 2015. 

There was a perceived need for the local community to be involved in the preservation of Humber Bay Park. This park is part of TRCA’s (Toronto and Region Conservation Authority) mandate.  However, the TRCA has given over the park’s management to the City of Toronto. 

After noticing a need to assist in the care of the park , FOHBP is now taking an active role and is asking for help from the City as well as from TRCA in the preservation, maintenance, and improvement of natural habitats in the park and the overall security by-laws.

If you have any questions, or wish to donate to our cause*, please feel free to contact us at the following e-mail address:

If you wish to volunteer your time to help with our events, please contact us at the following e-mail address: 

You  may find us on Facebook too.


*Note we are not a registered charitable organization.  We are a group of volunteers, and as such are unable to issue tax receipts for monetary donations.

Mike Janetakes

Passion for nature and beautiful things.  Michael Janetakes has been painting since childhood. He paints in many mediums as well as being  a sculptor and signmaker. He has been involved in the media and public relations arena for over thirty years including, identity branding, museum exhibits, sculpture, desktop publishing, wholesale markets and advertising campaigns. Mike is passionate about performing in film (a member of ACTRA) and theatre and song. Recent years he joined the Haliburton Highlands Chamber of Commerce as a board member and was on the special events committee of Minden Hills and ran a resort there. He has always been active in his community and the environment, He hosted a show on CANOE FM. - Norma and Mike returned to Toronto to work as Resident Managers of some high rise buildings in Toronto. They live in Humber. Bay to be close to the water and nature.

Bob Ancheril

I am Bob Ancheril and have been involved with FOHBP for a few years.

I have volunteered at the booth at Farmers Market. I am a resident of Humber Bay area. I have been an elected Municipal Councilor in York Region and was also the Deputy Mayor. I was appointed to the Board of YORK REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY which is a Regional appointment by the Chairman of York Region. 

So I am extremely familiar with the conservation of nature.

Prior to that I was on the Board of 50 Bloor St.  West complex which is at Yonge &Bloor and it is the most expensive Real Estate in Canada.

I am very much interested in the preservation and beautification of our area.

Theresa Petrillo loves living in Etobicoke and feels privileged to have the opportunity to enjoy Humber Bay Park,

which is a true treasure and an oasis in this busy city.

To ensure that Humber Bay Park flourishes and stays robust, I’m looking forward in doing my part participating in

the organization’s programs, plantings, clean- up incentives, etc.