Be A Friend

"...that's what friends are for..."

Want to know about park happenings?  

      Be a Friend, get on our mailing list.  

      Fill out the membership form.

Our Membership Application Form may be found here: Membership Form 

Download it, use Adobe PDF to fill it in electronically, save it and send it to our e-mail at 

or use the online form on this page.Our Constitution and By-Laws

Member Benefits

Your yearly membership (donations accepted) entitles you to several benefits:

Seeking Help in Humber Bay Park:    Contact Information

All members are encouraged to notify City Officials, ByLaw Officers, Police or Rescue organizations who can offer assistance in situations when animals and birds are in danger, or if  situations are encountered which are illegal and need to be reported.  

The following contact  information may be of assistance in such situations:  

Toronto non-emergency:                             311 or

Toronto Wildlife Centre:                               416-631-0662

By-Law Officers:                                               311 or 416-392-2489

Toronto Animal Services                               416-338-7297

Parking Enforcement & Cycling:                416-808-1600

Toronto Police Marine Unit                         416-808-5800

OMNR (tips line)                                              1-877-8447-76667

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority  (TRCA)     416-661-6600

Toronto Fire West Command                     416-338-9450

Toronto Police non-emergency:               416-808-2222