

About Our Park  and In Our Park

We hosted two live-streamed sessions with experts sharing.

Humber Bay Park West is now a designated Toronto Nature Stewards location which means that they can safely remove invasive species and replant with native bird friendly plants

Live replays are in the links above.   If you like this kind of session, let us know and what topics you want to see  About Our Park In Our Park.

Both made possible with a grant from The Park People.  #TDParkPeople 

About Our Park In Our Park    #AOPIOP      #TDParkPeople

Thank you to Bob Kortright for always supporting us and sharing knowledge of the Park

Stay tuned for walks starting late April. Continue to enjoy our Park while meeting the municipal orders.

Thanks to all who came out to Friends of Humber Bay Park's spring cleanup on Sunday.

We had 53 participants, and collected 520 lbs of trash.

Amazing, especially on a day it was supposed to rain!

I see many more people picking up trash on their walks, than I did when we started the group 7 years ago. Go Neighbourhood Spirit!

April 14 cleanup - SD

We had a successful event at the Humber Bay Shores Farmers Market. Great music, lots of hot and ready food, farm fresh vegetables including early corn. Friends of Humber Bay Park had a great turn out of kids painting rocks and Butt Bins. We place them around our community in order to educate the public about responsible waste management. Thanks for all who came out on a delightful day.