Teaching & Learning Lab

Craft a One-Pager

Inspired by Robin Kelley’s Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination

Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination


"Freedom Dreams is a kind of crossroads for me. I spent more than half my life writing about people who tried to change the world, largely because I, too, wanted to change the world. The history of social movements attracted me because of what it might teach us about our present condition and how we might shape the future. When I first embarked on this work nearly twenty years ago, the political landscape looked much clearer: We needed a revolutionary socialist movement committed to antiracism and antisexism. Buoyed by youthful naïveté, I thought it was very obvious then. Over time, the subjects of my books as well as my own political experience taught me that things are not what they seem and that the desires, hopes, and intentions of the people who fought for change cannot be easily categorized, contained, or explained."

  • Read the Preface

  • Mark and Discuss:

    • Lines that resonate

    • Images that come to mind

    • Questions

  • Now create the One-Pager

  • You might include:

    • Powerful words and phrases from the text

    • Images that come to mind

    • I think... I wonder...

I hear... I feel...