Dreams Lab

See what our Freedom Dreamers and their students, families, and communities are dreaming up toward educational justice!

"I want my students to be able to read and understand and connect deeply to the world near and far. I want them to understand themselves in order to see their part in a larger universe."

"I want them to be open and ready to learn about things they could not even fathom as eleven year olds while developing a sense of themselves so strong that no matter what they encounter moving forward, they believe they can navigate and flourish. "

"I want them to be able to apply their own experiences and lead to a deeper understanding of the world around them but also to be grow and often heal from those same experiences that make them who they are."

"One dream I have for myself is to teach my future students the power of inclusion. I want them to be able to live comfortably and the only way I know how to do that is to teach them that differences exist and that is okay. A dream I have for my future students is that they are given the tools necessary to battle mental health issues as they may arise."

"It is every teacher's dream that their students will fall in love with the content and be happy everyday for more of it. I want them to learn something about themselves through the process of learning the content."

"I dream for them to think, to act, to advocate, to care. I want to nurture them into the kind of thinking that heals and helps other people. I hope to help them find their voices, find their spark, so they can change the world."

"Every book cover is a door, easily opened with the flick of a wrist, thought rarely is it that easy. Nevertheless, the words/worlds that lie behind those doors, the not-so-alternate universes, await us where we can ponder and challenge, equip ourselves and play, explore and find, dream and live."