Teaching in Würzburg

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Teaching in Würzburg - thesis supervision

I am currently supervising the bachelor thesis of F. Meyer-Clasen (preliminary title: "Singular homology and applications").

I am available to supervise further bachelor and master theses in mathematics. If you like areas around differential geometry, global analysis, topology and mathematical physics, feel free to contact me or drop to my office, and we will find together a topic that fits your background and interests!

Teaching in Würzburg - BSc and MSc courses

Since the academic year 2023/2024 my position includes a teaching duty of 5 SWS (i.e. 5 hours in the classrom per week each semester). This included full responsibilities (i.e. lectures and exercise sessions) of the following courses:

🧑🏽‍🏫 Oct 2023 - Feb 2024: Einführung in die Topologie (2nd/3rd year bachelor course)

🧑🏽‍🏫 Oct 2023 - Feb 2024: Seminar Lineare Algebra (2nd/3rd year bachelor reading course)

🧑🏽‍🏫 Apr - Jul 2024: Arbeitsgemeinschaft in Differential Geometry (master course on Poisson geometry and Lie groupoids, in the framework of the Annual Master Focus in Differential Geometry)

I wrote lecture notes of my own (about 80 pages) for the course of topology and I am doing the same for the AG in Differential geometry.

During Oct 2021 - Sept 2023 I did not have any official teaching duties in Würzburg since my position was financed by a DFG research grant and not by the mathematics department. Nevertheless, I was part of the committee (as Beisitzer) of several oral exams in various master courses (Lie groups, Differential geometry, Analysis and Geometry of classical Systems, Algebraic Topology).

Teaching in Würzburg - teaching certificate

I have been awarded in May 2024 the advanced level of the Certificate for teaching in higher education offered by the Bayern Universities, after attending several practical workshops which refined my teaching skills in various aspects (including designing exams, giving lectures, supervising theses, intercultural competences for lecturers, voice training, gamification in didactics, etc.)