
Below are some links which might be useful to people moving to the cities where I studied/worked. They deal mostly the various divisions/organisation within faculties/departments/groups (it is crazy how many differences are there from country to country, and they are often not immediate to understand) and further practicalities.

Of course everything is biased by my own experience and (research and non-research) interests; in particular, I have lived only for a few months in Belgium and in Austria, and in both case fully amidst the pandemic. Moreover, things might have changed after several years, some links may be broken, etc.

Torino (Italy)

For researchers:

For students:

Cultural events and seminars open to the general population (mostly in Italian):

Utrecht (The Netherlands)

For researchers:


Boardgames related:

Leuven (Belgium)

For researchers:


Wien (Austria)

For researchers:


Würzburg (Germany)

For researchers:
