
I am no linguist, therefore most suggestions are simply based on what is/has been useful to me and biased by my own language learning process

Learning languages (in general)


Youtube channels:


Learning Italian

Books to read (easy enough for beginners)*:

* taking into account that it's extremely difficult to give good advice on one's own native language

Musical parodies to watch/listen (with subtitles):

Learning English

Being the most common first foreign language, everybody can find useful learning resources everywhere. I will only list two websites full of interesting and educational videos with subtitles, which has been useful to improve my listening skills in high school and at the beginning of my university studies:

Learning French

Books to read (easy enough for beginners):

Learning Dutch

Books to read (easy enough for beginners):

Things to watch/listen (easy enough for beginners):

Learning German

Books to read (easy enough for beginners):

Things to watch:


I have never learned (European) Spanish and Portuguese properly, but I strongly recommend the following two TV series (the second is a remake of the first one) in order to get an idea of the language (if you speak another Romance language natively, it could be enough for improving your passive understanding) and at the same time learn more about the history and the culture of Spain and Portugal: