My Podcast

MY PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY OF TEACHING PRACTICES by MY PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY OF TEACHING PRACTICES • A podcast on AnchorHello friends, It is me again trying out this technology broadcasting tools. I am so excited to make my very first podcast on my personal philosophy of teaching practices and basic procedures that I believe teachers needs to guide students, parents and the community in general learning involvements. Philosophy into Practice My teaching philosophy focus that children are created with their own special gifts and natural capacity of intellect and that no students’ brain is empty. I have never been afraid to teach my students new topics because I always have confidence that my students are born with exceptional ideas within them, but they have come to me as the teacher to translate these ideas to languages that the world can understand. Be mindful that all students do not learn the same way, they have their own unique learning styles. I believe in this statement and use it to assess myself as a teacher that, “If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” - Ignacio Estrada. My overall philosophy of early childhood education is that all students are capable of learning and I will consistently emphasize more on my goals of teaching and ways to accomplish them. Children gain the basic skills of learning essential topics from Early Childhood Education through a high quality program that provides a safe and nurturing environment. Learning environment should promote physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive development that guarantee a positive continuation education process. 1A child’s learning progresses through consistence and varieties of learning resources.


Hello friends,

It is me again trying out this technology broadcasting tools. I am so excited to make my very first podcast on my personal philosophy of teaching practices and basic procedures that I believe teachers needs to guide students, parents and the community in general learning involvements.

Philosophy into Practice

My teaching philosophy focus that children are created with their own special gifts and natural capacity of intellect and that no students’ brain is empty. I have never been afraid to teach my students new topics because I always have confidence that my students are born with exceptional ideas within them, but they have come to me as the teacher to translate these ideas to languages that the world can understand. Be mindful that all students do not learn the same way, they have their own unique learning styles. I believe in this statement and use it to assess myself as a teacher that, “If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” - Ignacio Estrada.

My overall philosophy of early childhood education is that all students are capable of learning and I will consistently emphasize more on my goals of teaching and ways to accomplish them. Children gain the basic skills of learning essential topics from Early Childhood Education through a high quality program that provides a safe and nurturing environment. Learning environment should promote physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive development that guarantee a positive continuation education process. A child’s learning progresses through consistence and varieties of learning resources.

Role of the Child as Learner

The role that a child plays in their learning process can be determined by the expectation of the parents and teachers. Their role starts with the ability to be available to learn, ability to display their self-interest and motivations. The mind of young children is very innocent, which is why to enhance their learning, they depend on their willingness, ingenuity and efforts. Although, a great deal of children’s learning is self-motivated and self-directed, they display their strengths and weaknesses by establishing varieties of learning patterns. They are able to shape their own learning environments just by moving their body, mouth, heads, hands or their legs. Young children learn through every day play and exploration in an environment that is safe and stimulating.

Vygotsky’s theory has helped me support my head starts’ social interactions by engaging them to discover and create meaningful ideas through learning. Another theorist that I have embraced his method of child’s developments is Jean Piaget's theory which are refers to stages of growth that encourages cognitive development. This theory suggests that intelligence changes as children grow because young children’s cognitive development is not just about acquiring knowledge but for the child to be able to develop or construct a mental model of the world around us.

What is my Role as a Teacher?

Young children are able to connect new knowledge to what they already know through schema and they learn when they are engaged. My role is to ensure that I provide adequate supplies and resources that will help foster 100% learning through play for my students. I have to ensure that I model and give age appropriate learning/activities samples for my young learners. In order to encourage, promote positive energy and positive learning environments.

What should be the teacher-child relationship regarding learning?

Personally, my relationship with my students regarding learning is always positive. A teacher should have positive and equal expectations of their students, which is why I give my students equal learning opportunity.

Role of Peers in Learning and Play

I have always reminded my students to care for themselves and their own needs.

Furthermore, I always encourage my students to balance their needs, right of self, and that of others. My students have learned through the school year that helping themselves and others is a skill that can help them master some survival and life skills.

Role of Families in Learning

Parental and family involvement is extremely important for a child to perform well in school. They need to maintain their role as their young children’s first teacher. Their involvement is the reason why children are able to keep learning as they get older. They learn best when they have warm, engaged and responsive relationships with preferred adults, this gives parents the opportunity to know what their children are learning, and they will be able to give the teachers feedback on key areas or subjects that the children may need additional help.

Parents’ involvement and collaboration helps the teachers to perform their roles adequately. There are several workshops that can help parents to support their children’s learning e.g. field trips, volunteer services and family day activities.
