Unit 2

Individual reflection on the readings:

As I recollect on what I thought I had learned, I realized there are awesome and varieties of new ideas to learn. This school year and due to some outstanding courses and fabulous instructors, I have learned multiple new ways to communicate with my students’ parents, colleagues, my community and the society. I was able to create my online survey form that I can use for meetings/training with colleagues and my parents’ teacher conference meetings. I am learning appropriate and articulate ways to balance my students’ learning needs in regards to technology use in our classroom. I realized that the idea of the survey would also help me as the teacher to improve and create individualize learning supports that any of my students could possible need. The ability to navigate through varieties of technology tools, has been an eye opener for me to realize that I can be more than a teacher between the four walls of my classroom. I have started to attain additional knowledge and ideas to utilize technology to create better communications, assessments, planning and more. At this moment, I have shared my survey form with my colleagues and they are already giving me positive and accurate feedbacks. Based on my collegial gave a feedback to actually draw my attention to few feature effects on my survey monkey form that highlights the attempted question which helps to direct the interviewee. I enjoyed using SurveyMonkey because it give varieties of ways to set the questionnaires e.g. multiple questions, open-ended questions and Yes/No etc. The SurveyMonkey is very easy to navigate. The templates is very easy to use to create multiple parents and staff assessments to measure, plan, track hands on activities trends, understand children and their family.

Individual ISTE Standards-based Evaluation 2


Technology Implementation Two

Unit 2 Technology Implementation.docx