Unit 1

Unit technology product:

The creation of this blog has helped to inspire me to advance my emerging writing as an educator and to also reflect on my career progress. I used to think I was alone with the combination of my future interest in Advocating for young children and Community Service, until I engaged in additional research to improve and inspire my interest in my blog spot developments then I came across “Students Trained in Advocacy and Community Service: Training Manual" by Pennsylvania Campus Compact (unomaha.edu).” As I engaged in creating my own blog, I learned the purpose and advantage of blogging as a professional, it is descriptive, it can help verify and interpret facts during research, group and community interaction, colleagues can share lesson learned and experience to participants and the focused community. Also, I can set my future goals by creating an action plan on my blog. At this moment, I cannot agree less that creating a blog takes community-focused approach which help to focus on ones’ efforts towards developing an individual technological product that integrates my professional area of subject matter of expertise and my INST 6031 unity assignments and readings.

I have learned to master that the information within my course must align with, then support and enhance my individual subject area of understandings. This Technology Implementation opportunity is a way for me to share and understand knowledge within the information masters’ program level.

I have shared my product with my colleagues through email and I am so excited for the positive feedback.

Individual reflection on the readings:

Horizon Reports: 2020 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report ™ Teaching and Learning Edition

Anticipating the Future of Teaching and Learning

I agree with the fact that education is taking a new way to Anticipating the Future of Teaching and Learning, especially now that educational technologies have moved away from the time to adoption structure to show evidence, data, and scenarios that inform what the future of teaching and learning with technologies might look like in our classrooms. I would personally would be interested in learning more about some particular Horizon Report sections like the Significant Challenges Impeding K-12 Educational Technology and to learn variety of methods that can help solve and improve multiple Digital Fluency in our school system, community and curriculums.

I have learned a new section to illustrate ways to identify reports to impact on different sizes and types of institutions around the world. This reading has helped me to master a way to create reports that will enable me to learn to how to plan and act on all that is influencing in higher education teaching and learning, now and in the nearest future. The horizon reports as given me the insights on anticipating the growth, constraint, collapse and transformation that evocate portraits of possible future scenarios for postsecondary teaching and learning.

Technology Implementation One

Technology Implementation. My blog spot.docx

Individual ISTE Standards-based Evaluation 1

UnitOne_ISTE_StandardsBasedEvaluationTemplate(4) (1).docx