Fagus walk

See these pages for

The report on the Fagus Walk project and the work that was done

It includes the background to the area, plans and the grant details, and Publicity and Articles published on the project

The Friends of Mount Field (FOMF) and the local Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) were keen to improve visitor access to the Fagus viewing sites at Lake Fenton. In 2016 the FOMF gained funds from the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife to construct a bridge over Lady Barron Creek which now enables vastly improved access to the Fagus. However, the short walking track was not as good a standard as desired and making improvements would provide a better experience for visitors and also encourage less able visitors to venture beyond the bridge.

Originally the FOMF applied to Wildcare for the funding, as we considered it a project of wide appeal. However, Wildcare declined as they " were not comfortable with funding an external track designer". this was an unfortunate outcome as FOMF considered that it was important to have a skilled track designer that could help with the work and provide advice. An opportunity arose a few months alter when the the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife opened a round of Community Conservation Grants and we managed to obtain the funds from them.

Track location highlighted in blue