2020 Year

FOMF Annual Report 2020

Adrian Blackman, FOMF Secretary

The Friends of Mount Field (FOMF) completed only two regular working bees during 2020 due to restrictions caused by the COVID-19 virus pandemic. Nevertheless we were also able to complete upgrading part of the K Col Track before the coronavirus became widespread.

Our most ambitious project, the K Col Track upgrade, four years in the making, was finally finished in March, 2020. Construction of a top quality boardwalk between K Col and The Watcher now allows walkers to traverse this fragile and valuable place in comfort while no longer causing environmental damage. A substantial grant by the Tasmanian Community Fund allowed employment of an experienced track construction team and purchase and helicopter delivery of requisite materials. FOMF volunteers and Parks and Wildlife (PWS) staff assisted. Boardwalk sections totalling 870 metres in length were built and the project had an overall value of $87,587 (excluding GST) and consisting of actual grant money together with additional in-kind support by PWS and FOMF personnel, donations etc.

The first regular working bee for 2020 was held in February and involved pruning encroaching vegetation from part of the Old Pack Track. Bauera was the main plant trimmed and our two hedge trimmers were used on the thickest area and loppers used elsewhere. Coronavirus restrictions then brought our fieldwork to a halt. The second regular working bee, and final one for the year, occurred in December. Sections of the track beside Lake Fenton were made more passable by clearing intruding plants.

There were 15 active volunteers who attended one on more working bees during 2020 and in total 323 volunteer-hours were spent on fieldwork. In addition, 235 hours were dedicated to administrative tasks including those mandated by occupation and safety requirements together with documentation and publicity. The monetary value of all these volunteer hours is estimated to be $16725 (at $30 per hour).

The Report on the K Col Track work can be read here.

Watcher K Col - Report (google.com)


Installing planks K Col Track Danni, Greg and John

Helicopter at K Col

Dannielle and John at work on K Col Track

Party at end of Fagus Walk Adrian, Greg K, Greg B, Peter & Sue


FOMF Statistics 2020

Events for Year