Friends of Mount Field
The Friends of Mount Field
More Details on our various activities appear under the menu items at the top of the page. Area Sites provides details of our work within different areas of the park and Projects provides reports and other details on the various projects mostly relating to grant funds, plus our annual reports .
Below is the blog pages link where reports on each event along with photos are posted.
Various Websites and pages of the FOMF
Area History - Details on the locations where we work
Projects & Reports Pages - Information and reports on projects that we have been or are involved with. Often these pages relate to grants provided to the FOMF
Site Specific Pages where a website has been created to hold a variety of information.
There is site holding some of the history of the Mount Field National Park. It can be viewed at his link.
If interested in volunteering helping or getting our newsletter about working bees fill in this form.