The Fairey Marine Archives

Welcome to the Fairey Marine Archives.

L to R: H28 Midnight Blue and H23 Dawn Huntress took part in the 2012 Thames Pageant. Photo Fatz

This project is part of the Fairey Owners' Club initiative to digitize the many volumes of paperwork acquired over the years. It was started in June 2011 and the plan is to convert the original handwritten production lists into something a little more accessible.

Eventually, boat entries will point to a dedicated page for each boat that we know about. These will contain the known previous owners; history; photographs and links to related documents and articles.

Many thanks to Ron McIntyre; Alan Burnard; Tony Hamilton-Hunt and Charles Lawrence for the input and research into the production lists; Per Hansson for collating all the photograph albums; Bill Dunlop for information on the Spear/Spearfish production and, of course, all the owners past and present who have sent information and photographs for inclusion.

For the latest site updates, click on the Site News link on the left hand side of this page.

You may leave comments on the pages (if you are logged in with a Google or OpenID) or you can email to notify us of errors and omissions. If you are the current owner of one of the boats, please let us know so we can update the archives. Pictures of the boats in action are always welcome for inclusion in the galleries.


Scott (July 2011)

How to find stuff

At the bottom of each page added electronic versions of the original Fairey Brochures where available. These can be downloaded for your own use. However, they are fairly small as there is a size limit for this site. FOC Members can request a higher resolution version.

Individual boat pages may have associated press articles (where we have obtained copyright to publish) or a link to a site where the article may be purchased.

To search for particular text, use either the "Search this site" box at the top of each page, or type control-F on a PC (cmd-F on a Mac) to bring up a browser search box.

"Search this site" allow you to locate stuff anywhere in the site. The control-F (cmd-F) will highlight what you're looking for on the current page.

It would appear that the "Search this Site" relies on a Google index and so is often several hours behind updates. Please allow for this before worrying too much.

The Fairey Owners' Club

Finally, if you've managed to find your way here without travelling via the club website, you can find it here. If you own a Fairey boat or derivative and you're not already a member, then why not consider joining? It's only £30 a year; members receive two full colour magazines per membership year; access to the forum; website; archives and back issues of the magazine. In addition we hold at least three water based rallies during the season along with a Winter Dinner-Dance usually held at the beginning of the year. The FOC is also often associated with other events during the season.

Head to the club's homepage and take a look round.

©2011-2020 The Fairey Owners' Club.