Judith Crossley Memorial Songwriting Award

One event that is proving to be a huge inspiration to South Australia singer-songwriters is the annual Judith Crossley Memorial Songwriting Award


The Judith Crossley Memorial Songwriting Award was founded to encourage the writing of songs that tell South Australian stories: songs about South Australian people and places, songs about South Australia’s past and present.

The Award was made possible by the legacy of the late Judith Crossley, who was during her lifetime a well-known figure on the South Australian folk scene and was herself a fine songwriter.

The songwriting Award that bears her name continues one of Judith Crossley’s passions: the telling of South Australian stories in song.

Songwriters are invited to enter their original work.   From entries received, ten finalists will be selected.  

The winning song will be performed at Fleurieu Folk Festival

How to Apply

For further details and to view the conditions of entry and to enter your song, please visit the Judith Crossley Memorial Songwriting Award website.