
Camping at the Fleurieu Folk Festival is a great way to enjoy the weekend. However, Camping is available only for weekend passholders volunteers, and performers holding a weekend pass. 

Camping is only available for Friday and Saturday nights; camping is not available on Thursday or Sunday nights or for single day tickets. 

Camping fees for the weekend are  $20-$30 per person, depending on when you purchase your tickets. Note that registering online in advance is recommended as the camping area can fill quickly, especially for caravans. Performer camping is free at the Festival site for performers holding a Weekend pass.

Camping area access 

Entry for campers is via the Western Gate accessible from Railway Terrace, just off Aldinga Road, between the hours of 3 pm to 12 midnight Friday and 6 am to 12 noon on Saturday. You will need to pay your camping fees to the gate attendant, and someone will guide you to a camping site. Please be aware that camping space is very limited, so you are asked to camp as close as possible to other campers and not take up more space than necessary. There should be enough space between the trees to accommodate two campsites.

 Click here for a map of the Festival Site

Gate closure

The camping entrance gate will be closed to vehicles outside of the above-mentioned hours. If you need to move your vehicle in the event of an emergency, please locate a volunteer at the Festival Information Booth who will arrange for someone to unlock the gate.


Due to licensing regulations, no liquor may be brought into the Festival Site, including the camping area. All liquor purchased must be consumed within the Festival Site. The Festival Site is also a glass-free zone for the weekend.


Vehicles may be parked around the perimeter of the oval – not alongside your tent, please (due to space limitations). Please do not obstruct the roadways because clear access by service vehicles is needed at all times. In the event of an overwhelming demand for camping space, you may be asked to park your vehicle (camper vans and caravans excepted) outside the festival site. There is extra parking space in Railway Terrace within easy walking distance in view of the camping area.

Fleurieu Folk  Festival is being run entirely by a limited number of volunteers who will be doing their best to look after you. Please be patient with them and have a great festival!