
8:00 Tijuana, 10:00 CDMX, 11:00 Habana, 12:00 Caracas, 13:00 Buenos Aires, 17:00 Madrid

19:00 Kurdistan


Feminary - Seeds

In the direction of the decolonization - depatriarchalization

The feminary is a space to learn, understand, dialogue, exchange experiences and, together, build paths towards the depatriarchalization-decolonization or decolonization-depatriarchalization. Amongst women, depending on how that path may unfold for each us, we transform into Seeds that allow new forms of collective self-formation to germinate and permit the possibility of new worlds to grow from our feeling-thoughts.

We were born along with the spring, after the long winter that accompanied the pandemic which had stowed us away in order to care for ourselves, to discover ourselves, to be able to find ourselves, like the women that we are, in the construction of other paths that allow us to break free of the New Normalities that seek to turn us back into that which we no longer wish to Be, Do, Feel, and that is why we have arrived at this moment in which the feeling-thoughts take root and sprout, in which the questions bloom, turn into branches and grow along with others so as to fill this spring with possibilities and hopes.

So it is that we begin to ask: How was the world before the patriarchy, the colony and capitalism? Patriarchy or patriots? Which would be first: decolonization or depatriarchalization? What is it to decolonize ourselves? How to develop an Ethic with humans and nature? How to construct cohabitation with justice and living well? How to learn to recuperare our spaces and territories as places of harmony and living together? How to destructure the hegemonic forces of the paradigms of exploitation and extractivism? What Spiritualities allow us to develop life ethics? Is it possible to strengthen Health from other logics? Will we be able to recuperate the wisdom and ancient knowledge and make them alive again in our times to favor life and guarantee it? Did they colonize and patriarchalize us completely or are our anticolonial and anti-patriarchal memories still within us? How do we develop politics, an economy, a culture based on living ethics and living well? Could we develop science, art and critical thinking rooted in the worldview of the original peoples? How do we nurture our autonomy with the wisdom and resistances of other geographies and histories? How to eradicate violence, power, competitiveness and ethic-pedagogic colonialisms in the human formation and cohabitation? And how would the relationship with the Mother Earth grow if we eradicated these knots? Can the experiences of the Zapatistas offer us an orientation in the construction of our paths?

The beginning of our Feminary-Semillas is part of the Global and Permanent Seminars that we have in favor of dignified life and this is the first cycle of 3 with 13 seminars of self-formation and encounters in which we can think-ourselves with others (otras, otros and otroas) and the world, to be part of a series of more extended actions. This cycle is because we are cyclical, the time that we inhabit is a cycle and there are 13, like the moons that illuminate around the sun during the Mayan year.

Traducción: Tlazol
#Feminaria #Feminary #decolonization #depatriarchalization #MujeresYlaSexta


Moving towards the depatriarchalization of education as a formative challenge in the 21st century

Perla Castillo-Solis


Spirituality and decolonization

Amalia Vargas

Isabel Tonalxochitl

Women’s Day Collaboration: Profiles of Women who Struggled and Struggle for the Construction of Other Worlds

Collective collaboration of the history of Women and their legacies


Spirituality and decolonization

Luciana Coñopan


Anarchy, anarcho-feminism

Angélica Jiménez Núñez


Decolonization, an epistemological affair, beyond education

Magdalena Lagunes