My TESOL Comp Exams

Q1-Pine Tree Hugger.docx

Question 1: Critique A Study

I address the strengths and limitations of a study conducted by Carney (2020), who uses both quantitative testing methods and qualitative introspective data from fifteen EFL Japanese learners’ cognitive processes to provide insight on how learners comprehend short sentences and a narrative text with orthographically known lexis. Using the implications from the study I share how I would implement a dictation dictogloss listening exercise using natural discourse for an advanced EFL learner context at the Sacramento State English Language Institute as students come from different sociolinguistic backgrounds and cultures and are seeking to matriculate into main stream university courses at Sac State.

Q2-Pine Tree Hugger.docx

Question 2:
Theory to Practice: Fostering Individual Differences in SLA

Using scholarship from both Instructed Second Language Acquistion and L2 Composition Theory and Practice, I discuss how my instruction in the reading and writing classroom fosters individual differences in SLA; specifically, addressing how my instruction can tap into students' intrinsic motivation, willingness to communicate, and manage language anxiety. 

Q3-Pine Tree Hugger.docx

Question 3: Course Design & Lesson Plan Rationale:
Teaching Textual Coherence

Informed by scholarly research from both Instructed Second Language Acquisition and L2 Composition Theory and Practice, I design lessons on textual coherence for a low-advanced reading and writing course for L2 students enrolled at the Sacramento State English Language Institute, an English Immersion Program.