Critiques of AI & Instructional Strategies 

 I want to preface my intention in creating this landing page: I created this landing page to debunk the paranoia around AI --instead of huffing and puffing at AI, and losing faith in a human being's capacity to critically think and 'do' for themselves--let us remind ourselves, that while yes, we live in a world that loves to enable, enable, enable--I mean our phones literally do everything for us--information is overstimulating our brains to the point where it is so easy to forget to pause, self-assess, and reflect

In the spirit of remembering to pause, self-asses, and reflect, I want to remind my readers, and fellow teacher practitioners to ask critical questions about the information we are consuming--literally, we are eating words, texts for breakfast, lunch, and dinner without pausing to identify the ingredients used to make the meal--without pausing to ask critical questions about the texts we read. 

I created this landing page to remind my readers to treat AI just as we treat the internet when conducting basic google searches, with caution, with skepticism, train your students and yourself to evaluate the basis of an idea, to critique and interrogate 'facts' that so often are presented without discussing complexity and nuances. If ever there was a time for us all to think about what student centered learning means, and what it means to personalize assignments, it's now! And incorporate AI into your classroom instruction--that is, provide learning opportunities for students to critique AI information, and to call on students to evaluate how AI discusses topics, and to use critical inquiry to add to the conversation. 

For instance, ask students to pick a topic, explore the topic using Chat GPT. Instruct students to evaluate how the topic is being discussed:

Simplified BreakDown of AI
(Zhuhadar, 2023).

Current Critical Inquiries of AI and their Implications for Teaching and Learning....

This excerpt was extracted from the research article below, to highlight the significance of the inquiry into AI -as cited in Muldoon and Wu (2023).

 "We approach this research with sensitivity and humility, acknowledging that our perspectives are inevitably influenced by our own social, cultural and epistemological standpoints. We address a number of exploratory research questions: 

Artifcial Intelligence in the Colonial Matrix of Power Muldoon and Wu (2023).pdf