Equity Minded Practices, Presentations & Resources

Re-Orientations of Education: Open Educational Resources and Open Pedagogy as Anti Racist and Inclusive Tools for Change

Re-Orientations of Education: Open Educational Resources and Open Pedagogy as Anti-Racist and Inclusive Tools for Change

On June 13th, 2024, I was invited to lead a professional development training for the Sac State EOP Summer Bridge Program's Orientation, keeping in mind Sac State's Antiracism and Inclusive Campus Plan. My presentation specifically was speaking to action plan number four, Antiracism Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment to sustain the dialogue and practice of anti-racist and inclusive teaching and learning, and to provide concrete examples of what open pedagogy is in action having completed a 7-month training in the Open for Antiracism Program, offered by CCCOER – Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources . For more information, feel free to check out my slides or watch a pre-recorded video of my presentation.

Summer Bridge Presentation FRamirez.pdf

Engage, Learn, and Persevere: Fostering Voices and Spaces of Inclusion

 In June 2021, after witnessing the January 6th  hysteria at the capital - and having witnessed the silence of our higher ed educators- and administrators--and after realizing that this hysteria, in conjunction with my experiences of loneliness and despair during the COVID era, a loneliness and despair I knew my students felt, too; I felt compelled to speak at the Sac State EOP Summer Bridge Program's Orientation to faculty from across the disciplines. I framed my presentation using Priya Parker's, How We Meet and Why it Matters to cultivate healthy controversy, and meaningful interactions and discussions within our communities of practice-introducing WHY and HOW we can foster voices and spaces of inclusion in our classrooms and beyond. Refer to my Course Design & Teaching Materials   for concrete ways to engage in healthy controversial discussions.

Teaching & Learning: Passion Evokes Passion

Teaching & Learning: Passion Evokes Passion

In June 2022, I was asked to speak again at the Sac State EOP Summer Bridge Program's Orientation. For this presentation I shared concrete resources and teaching strategies with faculty after completing two professional development courses focused on equity and culturally responsive teaching strategies and humanizing online teaching practices. Using Lori Bumgarner's words (yes, a non-academic journal source ,who happens to have an M.A. in Higher Ed Education, and no, I never solicited Lori for her services to brand myself, I simply loved her definition of passion because it resonates with my personal values) to define passion in the context of teaching and learning. I called on instructors to channel their passions (remember why they love teaching and remember what it means to commit to learning--even as a teacher) and asked them to consider alternative teaching methods with the hopes it engages students more meaningfully in their learning. Links to resources can be found in the presentation. 

Attribution Disclaimer- This presentation was influenced and designed by knowledge that I see as valuable and useful for teaching and learning and some of the content I shared was learned from a combination of three different professional development course I participated in (See my CV for details). At the end of the presentation the resources that I share were introduced by the faculty who helped facilitate those courses, their names are Kelsey Ford and Gregory Byrer and the Final Prompt I share is attributed to Ethnic Studies Professor, Fabiola Torres (Glendale Community College). 

FAR-Rosie Experience Adopting OER (1).pdf

Adopting Zero Textbook Costs-OER Resources

 In this succinct and transparent slide presentation, I share my journey adopting OER Resources and provide access to OER Resources to faculty in the Department of English & Language Studies at Cosumnes River Community College. 

Fairuze Ahmed Ramirez- Revised Syllabus Language

Equity Minded Language in Syllabus Policies

In this document, one will see how I revised some of the language of my syllabus to reflect Equity and Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning (CRTL) principles. The goal is to communicate policies in a way that is assertive--explain the expectations of the course while also meeting students' personal learning needs, and to avoid using language that uses an authoritative, 'unsupportive' tone.

“Safe and Brave Spaces Don’t Work (and What You Can Do Instead)


Elise Ahenkorah