Cancer Metabolism & Oncoimmunology

Specific Aim:

Identify and determine molecular mechanisms of novel therapeutic targets to inhibit oncogenic pathway in various cancers. For combination therapy, we are willing to identify novel targets to increase efficacy of anti-PD-1 immunotherapy.

Combination of anti-cancer metabolic drugs with immunotherapy

Even though immunotherapy (immune checkpoint inhibitors) has successfully boosted immune system for eliminating cancer cells in cancer patients, the response rate of immunotherapy is still very low. Thus, it is critical to increase the response rate to immunotherapy in many cancer patients.

Fang Lab members devote themselves to understand the mechanistic pathways of cancer metabolism that enables cancer cells to escape host immune system. Also we want to identify novel therapeutic targets of cancer metabolism for the successful combination therapy with chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy.

Why is cancer metabolism important?

Numerous clinical and basic sciences have reported that a healthy, well-balanced diet can reduce the risk of cancer. Well-balanced nutrients stimulate our energy metabolism, boost our immune system to fight against cancer.

What is anti-cancer metabolic drugs?

Cancer research succeeded with sensitive detection technology, targeted drug delivery methods, and identification of a large group of gene sets differentially expressed in cancer cells.

Anti-cancer metabolic drugs have been designed to target cancer-specific cellular energetics different from normal cells. Thus, anti-cancer metabolic drugs are categorized as 4th generation of anti-cancer drug.