Trivia                      Michael Cerveris On Debbie Allen & Dancing in New York

For a lot of people, Debbie Allen was the face of Fame..and with good reason. Her demanding-but-loving-diva of a dance instructor was at the core of the film and the series it spawned. And there was very little daylight between Ms Grant and Ms Allen. She was every bit as rigorous and supportive a performer and director as you would imagine watching her on the show. 

One of my first days on set was 'dancing' in a number with her on the streets of lower Manhatttan, and it was as daunting and exhilarating as you'd expect. The perfectionism she dedicated to her own work inspired the same in all of us around her, and getting a 'good job' nod from her, or a laugh, was a prize anytime it came. And the laughs, especially, came often.