The Crazies


After chickening out of being honest in a Drama exercise, Doris and Montgomery make a pack to completely tell the truth for the rest of the day. This leads to a number of conflicts between the students and teachers. Lydia and Sherwood end up switching classes and Sherwood needs Leroy to teach her to dance so she can perform in the show. 

However, after Shorofsky is mugged and ends up in hospital the future of the show is threatened. 


I really love this episode and it's probably my favourite 1st season episode. It is just such a simple idea and how things spiral out of control is really laugh out loud hilarious.

Debbie, Carol and Albert seem particularly to be having fun with the script. Also every character seems to be involved apart from Coco who really just seems to be a supporting character.

Doris is great and I love the Leroy teaching Sherwood to dance storyline. It was a nice reversal of the teacher student scenario. Also Shorofsky being mugged added an emotional element to the show.

Over here in the U.K. this episode was aired as the last episode in this series and for years I thought it was actually the season finale. It made sense because Shorofsky mentions this happens near the end of each year and Crandall mentions that some of the seniors won't get into college without their final marks for the show and the throwing of magic dust into the air at the end made it feel more of a finale.

Although when we actually see the performances there are only the regulars and dancers taking part so where are these seniors who are supposed to be graduating?

I don't know why the BBC decided to screen the episodes differently but they moved this and “Come One Come All” to the end. However it does seem to work better. They possibly moved "A Special Place" up in the running order because they wanted "Starmaker" to be released as a single and they didn't want it to be released until the episode had been shown. Having written this I discovered that this episode was the original season finale. However, in the first year  NBC would only order the episode a few at a time  and after this episode they requested an additional 3  episodes to be added to the season.

A couple of nit picks, Doris goes onto Sherwood's class, presumably for English and tells her what Lydia says about her proposed tribal dance, but then is back in English later that day when Lydia is covering the class. Two lessons of English in one day again for Doris seems very unfair. Maybe she was worse than Leroy in English and needed the extra lessons to catch up!

Also Lydia and Sherwood are swapping the classes they have in the same period. However, when the bell rings for the end of the English class, Sherwood is still teaching the dance class.

Then All the characters in the drama class in the opening scenes are wearing different clothes in the scenes that supposedly take place over the rest of the day. We do see Doris change into dance class but surely after that class she doesn't put on different clothes to the ones she was wearing before the class.

I'm not sure why anyone would phone Lydia and especially Bruno at home when Shorofsky was attacked. I wouldn't have thought they would be listed as next of kin or anything but the scene in the hospital is quite sweet.

Also, Mrs Berg reading the letter is very sweet too and Shorofsky very funny when he says get the diabetics out of the room.

"I was only trying to help" is also a fantastic song and was the first song to really show case Valerie's vocals and is one of my favourites.

"Carnival" is okay but not really one of my favourite songs. Still it's a nice ending to the episode.

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Episode Pictures

Production Number & Filming Schedule

Production Number 2720  (Originally 2717)

Executive Producer William Blinn.

Filmed Wednesday 03rd February 1982 to Thursday  11th February 1982.

Air Dates 

Original  air date in U.S.A.  18th March 1982

Original  air date in U.K. 29th Sept 1982,  BBC repeat 18th  August 1986,  The Children's Channel  Autumn 1992, Now 80s 05th & 09th December 2021 

Original air date  in France  29th May 1982

Original air date in Italy 12th March 1983

Original air date in The Netherlands 19th March 1983    

Original air date in Spain 1st May 1983   

Original  air date in West Germany 06th March 1985

Original air date in Belgium 24th September 1987               

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Production Credits

Written by William Blinn

Original Script by Allen Clare & Brian Cassidy

Directed by Mel Swope

Assistant Director Stephan Lofaro

Guest Stars & Dancers

Michael Thoma as Greg Crandal 

Ann Nelson as Mrs Berg

Bronwyn Thomas as Michelle

D.J. Sydney as Nurse

Sandy Serrano as Deidre

Will Jarvis as Hall Monitor

Stephanie Williams as Girl 

Songs & MP3 Downloads 

I Was Only Trying To Help

Performed by Valerie Landsburg

Written by Gary Portnoy & Ruth Rosen


Performed by Debbie Allen

Written by Henry Thompson & Vanessa Dale

Song Lyrics and Sheet Music  (Click the drop down Menus and select Song)

U.S. TV Guide 

U.K. Radio Times/Other U.K. Listings

Italian TV Guide Listing

Dutch TV Listing


International Dubbed Episode Versions









DISCLAIMER: Kids From Fame Media  does not own the rights to The Fame TV Series, it's  Logo, music and Images. They  are the property of MGM UA.  They are used here in accordance with the Fair Use Act  for the purposes of Research, Information and Critique. The Reviews held on this site are our personal views based on our lives and experiences.  They  do not represent the views of MGM, The production Crew or the Cast.   If you would like to submit your own review to link into this site please write to  us via the CONTACTS Page.