Take My Wife Please


Trevor Kane is teaching back at the School of the Arts when his ex wife Daphne pays a visits. Trevor realises that he still has feelings for Daphne when he becomes jealous of her dating Chris.


Meanwhile Cleo can't get Leroy to notice her. Nicole and Holly advise her to start playing the field to make him jealous. So Cleo starts dating Danny, which has the desired effect on Leroy. 


I'm not particularly keen on this episode and it's probably my least favourite episode of this season.

Lots of our regular cast members (the adult characters) are missing and it's definitely a case of the guest star completely taking over the show and this time he's got another guest star to help him dominate.

Personally I'm totally confused what Trevor Kane is actually doing at the school. We saw him a few episodes ago and he was there as a special guest to appear in a school show but now he appears to be a teacher! How and why did that happen?

The last time he was there he ran up large bills he expected the school to pay, left the show at the last minute resulting in the kids having to change anything so I don't understand why anyone would consider him a good role model and teacher.

There is no explanation given of what was happening and it feels like the writers didn't care about explaining things to the audience. We are just supposed to accept that he's there and then we never hear anything about him again! I find it all a little frustrating.

To me this would have been a good opportunity to explain that Reardon had left the school as he'd got a part or something and Trevor was taking a few classes to help out on a temporary basis.

Even had the writers actually explained why Trevor was there the fact is I'm just not interested in the story of him being in love with his ex wife, who miraculously knows exactly where to find him when she wants his help. I don't care if they get back together or not.

They throw Chris into the mix as a love interest for Daphne to add some connection to the school but for me it's way too little to keep me interested. I never felt that either Chris or Daphne actually had any feelings for each other.

The only part of the episode I am actually interested in is Cleo, Leroy and Danny story with advice from Holly and Nicole. It's good fun, although I'm a little confused by Leroy. What is his reluctance to get involved with Cleo? They had already put the 2 together in previous episodes and they particularly seemed close in "Nothing Personal" where Leroy agrees to coach her when she steps into the show at the last minute.

Here Leroy seems to be like he doesn't want to go out with Cleo but he doesn't want anyone else to go out with her either. Leroy's not normally so indecisive about things so I don't really get the problem here. Still it's good fun particularly the way Cleo handles him at the end.

Also I like how Danny and Cleo seem to get involved and I love Cleo's line when the 3 girls are talking in the locker rooms "well Danny's real cute". There's just something about the way Janet says it that always stands out for me.

"If The Lady Wants To Play" is a really great song and I love that the 3 girls perform it together. It's a particularly strong vocal from Nia.

Chris' "Broken Pieces" song doesn't do much for me and it always felt like he was just mumbling his way through it.

The other songs are sung by non cast members so I'm not too keen on those either.

I was a bit confused why the boys were having a whole class on learning to fence? Is that a crucial part of training to be an actor? Is Trevor Kane qualified to teach fencing? His attack on Chris seems to show again that the character isn't very stable. I would have thought there would have been an investigation of how a so called teacher attacks a student with a sword! 

Episode Pictures

Production Number & Filming Schedule

Production Number 2839

Executive Producer Patricia Jones & Donald Reiker

Air Dates 

Original  air date in U.S.A 02nd February 1985

Original  air date  in U.K. 20th May 1985,  Repeated on The Children's Channel  Broadcast Autumn 1992

Original air date in Italy 03rd September 1986

Original  air date in France 03rd February 1996            

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Production Credits

Written by Michael McGreevey

Directed by William F Claxton 

Assistant Director Leslie Jackson

Guest Stars & Dancers

Anthony Newley as Trevor Kane

Deborah Wakeham as Daphne Simone 

Sam Slovick as Cassidy

Songs & MP3 Downloads 

If The Lady Wants To play

Performed by Nia Peeples, Cynthia Gibb & Janet Jackson

Written by Peter Beckett and Dennis Lambert

Man In The Mirror

Performed by Lori Lieberman

Written by Mark Spiro

Broken Pieces

Performed by Billy Hufsey

Written by Lisa Ratner and Sandy Farina

Love Lasts Forever

Performed by Deborah Wakeman

Written by Rocky Davis and Monica Riordan

Song Lyrics and Sheet Music  (Click the drop down Menus and select Song)

U.K. Radio Times/Other U.K. Listings

Italian TV Guide Listing

U.S. TV Promos 


International Dubbed Episode Versions



DISCLAIMER: Kids From Fame Media  does not own the rights to The Fame TV Series, it's  Logo, music and Images. They  are the property of MGM UA.  They are used here in accordance with the Fair Use Act  for the purposes of Research, Information and Critique. The Reviews held on this site are our personal views based on our lives and experiences.  They  do not represent the views of MGM, The production Crew or the Cast.   If you would like to submit your own review to link into this site please write to  us via the CONTACTS Page.