Broadway Danny Amatullo


When Danny tries to impress a big time agent he gets more than he bargained for when he is offered a position as an intern agent. Danny flourishes as an agent and gets Leroy a part in a show but he soon has to decide if  he wants to give up acting and continue as an agent. 


I really like this episode a lot. It is set far more in reality than many of the other Season 5 episodes and this probably my favourite Danny story. Unusually there is only one real plotline but that is fine because they found a way to work all the into it. 

So Danny, when trying to impress a big time agent with his acting (by Singing and Dancing! Which is reminiscent of Coco performing "Bet Your Life It's Me"in "Winners".)  gets offered a job as an intern agent. Danny seems to thrive at the job and soon gives up the lead role in a school play to concentrate on the job. I really like the continuity with Season 4, when Danny talks about last year when his Dad wanted him to give up the school. It would have been really interesting to Danny's father in this episode to see what he makes of Danny succeeding as an agent. He might even try to persuade Danny to give up the school again and this time Danny might even consider it.  I also like the parallels between the school play and Danny's real life situation with father "My whole life I just wanted you to love me!" Although I found it a little strange that Nicole has to ask what Danny was using to help him emote in the scene. Surely Danny's relationship with his father is no secret?

Danny helps Leroy secure a part in a show, although how he can perform 8 shows a week and still teach at the school I don't know and we don't go into that but it could have been interesting to see him have to make a choice.

The music is also great in this episode. "Baby I'm  A Star" works really well set in a real life location rather than on a set. It's a great song from Prince and having 6 cast members performing it together really shows it off. There is also some terrific dancing in the routine.

"I Can't Hold Back" is also a great AOR song that suits Carlo's voice really well.  

The dance routine with Leroy is good too but I would have preferred it if Loretta had sung a proper song during the routine rather than breathed and wailed. 

The cast plug the Sheraton Hotel too on the street scene. This is the hotel that the cast and crew stayed at during the location shoot in New York City.  The previous season we'd scenes set so it was in view but this time Danny, Jesse and Chris reference it in conversation.

The title of this episode is a nod to the 1984 Woody Allen film "Broadway Danny Rose" about a hapless theatrical agent. Thankfully the Fame producers didn't decide to just recreate the film story like they did in so many other season 5 episodes.

Episode Pictures

Production Number & Filming Schedule

Production Number 2857

Executive Producer Patricia Jones & Donald Reiker

Air Dates 

Original  air date in U.S.A 30th November 1985

Original  air date  in U.K. on The Children's Channel  Broadcast early 1993.

Original air date in Italy 17th September 1987

Original  air date in France 21st February 1996        

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Production Credits

Written by Frank South

Directed by Lawrence Dobkin

Assistant Director Leslie Jackson

Guest Stars & Dancers

Randee Heller as Peggy Perskey

Nancy Lenehan as Brenda Haskell

Carl Carlsson  as Ernie Shank

Dick Miller as Lou Mackie

Jack Kehoe as Mo Starkey

John Hallow as The Maitre'D

Songs & MP3 Downloads 

Baby I'm A Star

Performed by Carlo, Jesse, Billy, Nia Cynthia & Loretta

Written by Prince

I Can't Hold Back

Performed by Carlo Imperato

Written by Dave Pickell and John Dexter

Song Lyrics and Sheet Music  (Click the drop down Menus and select Song)


Baby I'm A Star

I Can't Hold Back

Italian TV Guide Ad

U.S. TV Promo


International Dubbed Episode Versions



DISCLAIMER: Kids From Fame Media  does not own the rights to The Fame TV Series, it's  Logo, music and Images. They  are the property of MGM UA.  They are used here in accordance with the Fair Use Act  for the purposes of Research, Information and Critique. The Reviews held on this site are our personal views based on our lives and experiences.  They  do not represent the views of MGM, The production Crew or the Cast.   If you would like to submit your own review to link into this site please write to  us via the CONTACTS Page.