Sunshine Again


Things become complicated when the rehearsal for a school show is double booked for Bruno's father and for a senior citizen's home that Shorofsky is helping out. 

 Meanwhile Doris has issues when her Grandmother may come to live with the family.


This episode was co written by Albert’s wife Renee and is a strong episode for Shorofsky with lots of humour. I like this episode and although there are lots of well known guest stars they don’t detract too much from our main characters.

"Friday Night" finally appears in this episode. This song had been a huge hit in the U.K. even before the second series started when the live version got released to promote the live album. The performance from this episode had been played like a video to the song on many TV shows, so it was all pretty well known in the U.K. and this is one of the most popular songs of the second season. 

This episode is also notable as the first one that Nia Peeples appears in although the part is incredibly small and it's a different character to Nicole. When Nia was then cast in season 4 I didn't realise that she’d already been in an earlier episode until I re-watched that episode and noticed her. 

Although, I enjoy this episode there are some very convenient plot lines and very weak links to keep the story going, like Doris’ new phobia of old people which has never been mentioned before. She didn't appear to have any this problem in season 1’s A Big Finish, where she was the one who instigated a benefit to help the 2 old guys living in the school. Also is her Grandmother much older than Shorofsky or Mrs Berg? And Doris doesn't have a problem with him! I suppose none of these other characters are about to go and live with her, but even so I didn't buy this from Doris.

It’s also convenient that Doris’ grandmother is involved with the same centre as Sherwood’s friend. However, I don’t understand why they needed Shorofsky’s involvement. Catherine knew Sherwood so why didn't Sherwood go straight to Lydia to get the kids to help with the centre. Why didn't Doris’ grandmother get Doris to help? It would have been totally in character for Doris to try and organise the show. 

Also we have the story of the dress rehearsal of the show being promised for both Bruno’s Dad and the old peoples centre and it causes a conflict but wait a minute, we are dealing with the School of The Arts here, is every student in this current show? Some how I doubt it, therefore couldn't some of the students not in the show put something together for the old people? Alternatively couldn't the two events be merged and just have one big event?

Then when the confusion gets sorted out, wait oh no the kids can’t perform because most of the kids are wearing the wrong shoes! What? This is really a feeble excuse and is surely complete rubbish. The kids break out into song and dance in the streets, in the cafeteria, in the corridors, in lessons that have nothing to do with performing and no one has a problem dancing in their normal footwear but tonight it’s a major problem and the show is cancelled. What happened to the show must go on? Why does not having the right footwear stop Danny singing or the musicians from playing? Does Bruno need special shoes to play the piano? It all gets a little silly here.

Even more hilarious is that it’s Mrs Berg’s responsibility to get everyone’s shoes to the right place for the performance. She is a secretary isn't she? What has she got to do with the show? Is she now standing in for the stage manager or is she the schools road manager? Where does she put all these shoes? In her handbag? Is she also in charge of the scenery and instruments too? She has a reputation of being ditzy and forgetful why would important things like this be left to her? If Mrs Berg doesn't carry the items herself are we expected to believe that the school can afford special transportation for shoes? Surely it’s the performer’s responsibility to take their own dancing shoes? I can’t help but laugh at the whole situation.

Something else that made me laugh, which really shouldn't do is in the scene where Doris’ Grandmother arrives at their house and says to Doris “do you have anything worthwhile to drink?” and Doris grins. However I can’t help thinking of the revelations that Valerie made in the Bring Back Fame show where she states each day she would have red wine and vodka in her bag. In this scene I'm just waiting for Doris to quip sure I’ll get my bag!

Interesting continuity in the scene where Doris and her Mother are talking about her Grandmother moving in Mrs Schwartz is helping Doris with the angel costume she will wear in "Friendship Day".

One final thing, which isn't really an issue with this episode but more to do with the continuity of the characters back stories, which will crop up in a future episode.  Here we have Doris’ Mother's Mother played by Nancy Walker and her name here is Koffman, which sounds like a Jewish name to me. However in season 3’s “Heritage” Doris’ Mother states she isn't Jewish at all but Italian. It’s frustrating when the writers change things just for the sake of a story.

Apparently, the original final draft of the script had Gene performing "Friday Night" and not Carlo. The script was changed to increase Carlo's involvement.  

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Production Number & Filming Schedule

Production Number 2738

Filmed Thursday 2nd December 1982 to Friday 10th December 1982.

AKA  "A Promise Kept".

Executive Producer William Blinn. 

Air Dates 

Original  air date in U.S.A 20th January 1983

Original  air date  in U.K. 04th August 1983,  Repeated The Children's Channel  Autumn 1992,  Now 80s 06th  & 10th March 2022                                       

Original air date in The Netherlands  07th October 1983

Original air date in Italy 08th March 1984   

Original air date in Belgium  11th February 1988   

Original  air date in France 23rd April 1988     

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Production Credits

Written by  Kelly Wood Adams and Renee Orin

Directed by Harry Harris

Assistant Director Denny Salvaryn

Guest Stars & Dancers

Ann Nelson as Mrs Berg

Betty White as Catherine

Nancy Walker as Rachel Koffman

Carmine Caridi as Angelo Martelli

Madlyn Rhue as Angela Schwartz

Bronwyn Thomas as Michelle

Nia Peeples as Girl

Ivor Barry as Maitre'd

Songs & MP3 Downloads 

Friday Night 

Performed by Carlo Imperato

Written by Billy Falcon

You Are My Sunshine

Performed by The Cast

Written by Oliver Hood, Jimmie Davis & Charles Mitchell

In A Classical Mood


Written by Albert Hague

Designer Puppies


Written by Lee Curreri

Song Lyrics and Sheet Music  (Click the drop down Menus and select Song)

U.S. TV Guide 

U.K. Radio Times/Other U.K. Listings

Italian TV Guide Listing

Dutch TV Listing


International Dubbed Episode Versions



DISCLAIMER: Kids From Fame Media  does not own the rights to The Fame TV Series, it's  Logo, music and Images. They  are the property of MGM UA.  They are used here in accordance with the Fair Use Act  for the purposes of Research, Information and Critique. The Reviews held on this site are our personal views based on our lives and experiences.  They  do not represent the views of MGM, The production Crew or the Cast.   If you would like to submit your own review to link into this site please write to  us via the CONTACTS Page.