Savage Streets


As the School rehearses for the street version of Carmen, Nicole starts to fear something terrible is going to happen to Jesse, who is being pressured to join a street gang. When his landlord Hector is killed by a rival gang Jesse feels compleeled to avenge the death. 


This is another strong issue led episode about gang violence that I really like.  It is one of a number of strong Jesse and Nicole episodes this season that highlights how powerful relationship episodes can be when that relationship is on going and we don't have to spend time establishing the situation before any story can take place. I wish we'd seen other on going relationships on the show but as we didn't it makes the Jesse and Nicole stories so much more powerful.

There aren't many cast members in this episode but that just increases the intensity.  

There is some great music in this episode, with great performances from Nia and Jesse, which also adds to the intensity. The fact that some of it  intercuts the drama is a powerful tool for increasing the drama. The reuse of "Outrun the Night" is wonderful. I've always loved this song and it was one of the rare songs that appears in different episodes.  It fits perfectly here.  However,  Nicole's sudden ability to see the future is a little unnecessary.   I appreciate it makes things more dramatic but we lose a little realism. It would have worked perfectly well if Nicole just sensed something was going on with Jesse, like people who who each other really well can tell when things aren't right. 

I think both Nia and Jesse show off their acting skills in this episode but Nia's scene with Gene towards the end where she yells that she' can't help him is some of her strongest work on the show ever.

I do however think it would have been nice for Leroy to have a scene with Jesse saying how he's been there and understands how hard it is to escape form street gangs.  

Dusty adds a nice touch of humour to an otherwise darker episode.

Episode Pictures

Production Number & Filming Schedule

Production Number 2858

Executive Producer Patricia Jones & Donald Reiker

Air Dates 

Original  air date in U.S.A 16th November 1985

Original  air date  in U.K. on The Children's Channel  Broadcast Early 1993

Original air date in Italy 26th August 1986

Original  air date in France 19th February 199            

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Production Credits

Written by Carol Gary

Directed by Nicholas Sgarro

Assistant Director Win Phelps

Guest Stars & Dancers

Esai Morales as George

Abel Franco as Hector

Eddie Castrodad as Luis

Rico Elias as Popeye

Leo Garcia as Raphael

Songs & MP3 Downloads 

Back On the Savage Streets

Performed by Nia Peeples

Written by Unknown

With Your Eyes

Performed by Jesse Borrego

Written by Unknown

Outrun The Night

Performed by Nia Peeples

Written by Rick Kelly

Back On the Savage Streets (Reprise)

Performed by Loretta Chandler

Written by Unknown

Song Lyrics and Sheet Music  (Click the drop down Menus and select Song)


Savage Streets

With Your Eyes (Cuts Like A Knife)

Outrun the Night

Italian TV Guide Listing


International Dubbed Episode Versions



DISCLAIMER: Kids From Fame Media  does not own the rights to The Fame TV Series, it's  Logo, music and Images. They  are the property of MGM UA.  They are used here in accordance with the Fair Use Act  for the purposes of Research, Information and Critique. The Reviews held on this site are our personal views based on our lives and experiences.  They  do not represent the views of MGM, The production Crew or the Cast.   If you would like to submit your own review to link into this site please write to  us via the CONTACTS Page.