Michael Cerveris' Accent

Michael Cerveris Played Ian Ware the new British Kid who Joined Fame at the start of Season 6. It has been stated that Michael worked with a dialect coach to help him with the accent. Personally I have always hated his accent. It's too much Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins for me. However, even before he had the training he sent to his audition and did a British accent there and the producers loved it! Here's and extract from Michael Hoey's Inside Fame Book.

Michael said: "At the time of my Fame audition, what little I knew about acting for the camera had been gleaned from eating hamburgers in the teen discos and backgrounds as an extra on every soap opera in town, and from a couple scenes (with actual lines!) opposite Richard Crenna in a mini series called Double Take. For the Fame call, they asked for a British dialect and a song. I brought in my undoubtedly sketchy accent left over from a childhood Artful Dodger and accompanied myself on that old Ovation guitar singing Bowie's Young Americans. I remember thinking I should stay in character from the time I arrived, so everyone from the receptionist on up were probably scratching their heads about this strange talking ivy educated hillbilly kid. But either by pity or sheer daring, casting directors Meg Lieberman and Tony Sepulveda, producers Renee and Harry Longstreet, and writers Ira Behr and Michael McGreevey took a chance on this kid and opened the door to an entire new world for me."