Love Takes Time Lyrics

"My Friends With Good Intentions,

All look at me and say,

Going around in circles,

In a crazy kind of game.

Always there to catch me,

If I'm falling on my Face.

Running to my rescue,

When I'm not ready to be saved.

They can't imagine finding,

a more unlikely pair.

You so full of mystery and

Me So Unaware.

But I knew when I saw you,

that there judgement wasn't fair.

For you to give your heart away,

Is Something beautiful and rare.

Love takes time this much I know,

Oh Love needs time, to grow and grow.

It can close just like a violet,

Or open like a rose.

I never thought I'd find someone,

Who'd make me feel this way.

For once my mind is listening,

to what my heart can say.

If ever I get lost,

And My World is full of rain,

Just one look into your eyes,

And I'll be home Again.

Love takes time this much I know,

Oh Love needs time, to grow and grow.

It can close just like a violet,

Or open like a rose. "