The Secret Lyrics

The secret of life is in the living,

Not just standing there and watching life go by.

And the secret of love is in the giving,

You've got to open up by reaching deep inside.

You know it's worth a try.

The secret of life is to Celebrate life in every way you can.

Just jump right in and live it, Every single minute.

The secret of love is to Celebrate love each moment of everyday.

There's one thing to be sure of, You'll end up having more love

When you're giving love away.

The secret of joy is in the knowing, That everything will somehow turn out right.

The secret turns out to be as simple, As living life just one day at a time.

Love will make it rhyme.

The secret of life is to Celebrate life in every way you can.

Just jump right in and live it, Every single minute.

The secret of love is to Celebrate love each moment of everyday.

There's one thing to be sure of, You'll end up having more love

When you're giving love away.

The secret of life is to Celebrate life in every way you can.

Just jump right in and live it, Every single minute.

The secret of love is to Celebrate love each moment of everyday.

There's one thing to be sure of, You'll end up having more love

When you're giving love away.