Metamorphosis The Irreverent Episode Review

The auditions for the students new to New York City are under way, with the girl twirling her baton!

I guess it's like a pre-cursor to the X factor where they show the deluded people who think they can be stars even though they don't have any talent. When put like that it makes me think little has changed in the 30 plus years since this was made, apart from there are now even more talentless wannabes out there.

Shorofsky is not impressed! I doubt he would be impressed by the X Factor either.

Having seen the bad we now get to see the good as Julie Miller auditions. I'm still not sure why there has to be a special category of auditions for people new to the city. Apart from it highlights how much of a fish out of water Julie is and tells us she's not going to have an easy time fitting into the school. After the light heartedness of the opening things turn more serious when Julie announces she's in New York because her parents got a divorce and quickly starts to play her cello.

Again it strikes me that it's just like the X Factor where the serious contestants have to have a sad story to make the audience warm to them more. Gee, I never realised before how ahead of it's time Fame was! Although on the X Factor the sad story would have been milked far more than it is here.

This time Shorofsky is impressed and we know Julie is in to the School.

Coco Hernandez however isn't impressed! Coco is already a star, just not enough people know it yet, but she has a cunning plan to get herself even more publicity. Today she'd just upload a video to YouTube and get all her friends to share it on Facebook and Twitter in the hope that it goes viral, but life was so much harder in the 80s. Coco needs to perform her leg warmers off and win over the difficult to please Cafeteria crowd, to be taken seriously.

She also needs Bruno Martelli and his hi energy, synthesized, pop tunes to help her do it.

However, Bruno only has eyes for the long legged Julie and her Cello. Coco has Competition, which means Julie has got trouble!!

Things aren't helped when Julie's Mother insists she take a Taxi on her first day to school. Not only does Julie look like a "Goody two Shoes" going to school in a taxi but as she gets out of the car she bumps slap bang into Coco and people notice! So not a great start.

Coco wastes no time in getting her own back by humiliating Julie in English class, where the word of the day is "Pretentious" and Coco is chosen to use the word in sentence!

Meanwhile Ralph Garcy is trying to tell everyone his unfunny jokes at every opportunity. Don't get too used to him as he doesn't make it past this episode and will be thankfully replaced by Danny Amatullo.

I'm not the only one who doesn't find Garcy's jokes funny, Miss Sherwood, the English teacher isn't impressed either and warns that "This is no song and dance class.." and that anyone not speaking, reading and writing properly will leave the class permanently. Maybe that's what happened to Garcy? Miss Sherwood had him expelled!

It's not long before Julie makes a friend in the shape of Montgomery MacNeill who offers to take Julie under his wing and teach her how to act and what to wear. Not sure how Montgomery got to know so much about female clothing and as he's gone by the end of the series we never really find out. Still Julie is desperate and takes any advice she can get.

In music class Shorofsky is not impressed again. This time with Bruno, who rebels against playing in time with the other students. Bruno states he's not into group scenes but Shorofsky has a great come back stating he's not inviting him to an orgy!!.

In Dance Class, teacher, Lydia Grant utters her infamous lines "You Want Fame? Well, Fame Costs and right here is where you start paying, In Sweat!"

What Lydia says seems crystal clear but for some strange reason Julie doesn't understand, presumably because she's new in town!

Coco takes pleasure in explaining "They don't take credit cards!"

There's another clash between Coco and Julie the next day when someone bumps into Julie making her spill her coffee all over Coco. It all goes down again in the English class when Coco takes another dig at Julie when she has to use "Deleterious" in a sentence. It continues in dance class where Julie tries to apologise to Coco but gets in trouble with Miss Grant for talking!

Although Lydia has other things on her mind when she notices (shock horror) that Leroy isn't wearing any tights. she warns him he'll be thrown out of her class if he doesn't wear them.

Meanwhile Doris Schwartz is trying to get noticed by school hunk Michael Harrison, so has decided to dye her hair red, because surely that's what a teenage boy notices about girls, their hair colour!

Just when Doris thinks it's worked and Michael comes over, she is brought back to reality with a bang, when she realises Michael is actually interested in Julie and not her. Doris is not impressed.

Finally Coco sees her chance to be Queen of the Cafeteria and tries to get Bruno on board. She excitedly tells him how they could get a band together, with him writing the music which she could perform. Coco launches into a subtle number called "Take Me" that has the whole cafeteria eating out of her hand.

Everyone except Bruno, who is not impressed!

He would rather be playing all alone in his basement than playing with Coco!!

On Montgomery's expert advice Julie gets a new wardrobe. She's supposed to be toning things down but she looks more noticeable than she did in her old clothes.

Julie's Mother is not impressed.

One thing Julie refuses to give up is the gold chain that she wears. It was given to her by her boyfriend Lester. She misses him and keeps the necklace as a reminder. Montgomery tells her gold chains are out as they attract too much attention. Montgomery needs to tell Leroy because earlier Leroy was trying to sell gold chains to everyone at school. No wonder he wasn't having much luck, if none of them want to be noticed!!! Anyway Julie writes a love letter to Lester and puts it in her English book for safekeeping!

Back at school Bruno is again clashing with Shorofsky, this time about how you don't need orchestras any more and how you can do it all on one instrument. This is an identical argument to a scene in the original movie however without the classic line "That's not music Mister Martelli, that's masturbation!" As that was too risqué for the TV series.

Shorofsky is not only unimpressed, he's about to blow a gasket!

Leroy is also in trouble for not doing his English Homework.

Sherwood is not impressed. Although when Leroy accuses her of "racial discrimination" she is impressed that he can use a word with 5 syllables in it!

The next day Julie putting the letter to Lester in her book comes back to haunt her when Garcy starts to read it out loud to the whole class. Everyone laughs and Julie is embarrassed.

Bruno steps in to save Julie and later complains to Montgomery how much he dislikes bullies. Coco overhears and thinks she better change her ways if she's going to get Bruno on side.

Having attempted his English homework, Leroy then has to deal with his other problem and buy some tights for dance class. He tries he really does but at the last moment he bottles it and rushes out of the shop, pretending to Miss Grant that he bought them and they shrunk in the wash! Still never mind, Lydia never mentions him having to wear tights again!

Instead Lydia turns her attention to Julie and wants her to take off her precious necklace.

Julie is not impressed.

She refuses to take off the necklace, prompting one of her classmates to paraphrase the letter that Garcy read out in English Class. Finally Julie has had enough and storms out in a huff.

Coco follows her and in her own special way offers an olive branch without actually apologising for how she's been treating Julie. She also pretty much tells Julie that everything Montgomery has said is rubbish and that she needs to take advantage of the opportunities to shine in the spotlight.

Then it's back to the cafeteria for a rousing rendition of "Fame" which is a much better song than "Take Me" and finally makes Bruno take notice of Coco. The whole school is joining in the dance even some of the teachers. Leroy hands in his homework and there's a happy ending for all.

Even Julie finally starts to feel like she belongs!