A Special Place Deleted Scene

In the previews at the start of the episode there is a scene where Shorofsky says "They come in here with their reports and they treat us like digits".

However this line is not in the actual episode. It should be just after Shorofsky breaks up the fight between Danny and Leroy.

In the episode Julie tells Shorofsky the guys had just found out that Mr Crandall is being fired. Shorofsky is shocked and then repeats "Mr Crandall is being fired" and the scene ends.

In the script Shorofsky already knows Crandall has been fired and in the scene after he breaks up the fight he says: "They come in here with their budget reports and they treat us like digits. They have to do that because everyone knows digits do not bleed when cut, and the final result is they end up pitting friends against each other. They are without merit, but they are winning damn it, they are winning."

I've always wondered if some of the scenes that appear in the scripts but aren't in the episodes were actually filmed. In this case it was. Wish we had access to the deleted scenes that were filmed and were not in the episodes. Shame they couldn't have been extras on the DVDs.