A Special Place Continuity Error

In "A Special Place" around 19.15 minutes:

Miss Sherwood is in the office asking Mrs Berg for a sexual harassment form. Shorofsky is at the cubby holes and overhears. He comes over to Miss Sherwood and they have a conversation.

As normal, the cubby holes and open door leading to the lobby (with the auditorium doors in view) are on the left hand side of the picture and the red strip on Shorofsky's tie is on the right hand side of the picture.

However in the close up shots of Shorofsky the picture is reversed. The cubby holes and open door leading to the lobby are now on the right hand side of the picture and the red strip on Shorofsky's tie is on the left hand side of the picture.

As the conversation comes to an end the wide shot shows both Sherwood and Shorofsky and the picture returns to normal with the cubby holes and door back on the left and the red strip on Shorofsky's tie back on the right.