
In the U.K., a large number of annuals are published shortly before the end of each year by companies such as D. C. Thomson, World, Egmont (formerly IPC/Fleetway), and Rebellion Developments, aimed at the Christmas market.

These annuals are generally large-sized hardcover books with high colour content. They are normally cover-dated with the following year's date to ensure that stockists do not remove them from their shelves immediately after the New Year.

Many Comics, Magazines, TV Shows and Pop groups had their own specialist Annuals each year.

Four Fame Annuals were issued in the U.K. from 1982 to 1985 by World Publications to cover the years 1983 to 1986.

The Annuals featured illustrated stories as well as pictures and profiles of the main cast members. They ranged in price from £2.50 to £3.25.

(Click the covers below to read each Annual in full).

International Versions

The 1983 Annual was also released in Israel translated into Hebrew.

Original Manuscript

Mike was working for World Publications writing stories for the Dr Who annuals. When he was asked to submit a story for the Fame annual. Interestingly the original draft has Sherwood's name as Barbara. A common mistake in some early publicity as the Film character had been called Barbara. Thankfully this was corrected when the Annual was issued.