eVolution of Dance Theatre - Woodstock & Kelly Watch the Stars

The eVolution Dance Theater is an innovative and exciting fusion of dance, art, acrobatics, magic and illusion, which was formed in 2009.

In the last few years it presents shows that have fascinated and hypnotized the public throughout Italy and beyond.

Just before the show there were Introductory speeches from the organiser, Stefano Mendogni, his father and the Mayor of Salsomaggiore Terme. It was obviously all in Italian so I didn't know what was being said but I got the impression it was partly to thank people for all their hard work in putting the show together and also about the disadvantaged Children that the show was raising money to help, through the charity Ger Onlus.

Then the lights went down and the show started.

The first song was "Woodstock" which was written by Joni Mitchell. It wasn't a song I was familiar with but it was very pleasant. At the front of the stage was a video screen and lights started to draw on to the Screen, creating all sorts of shapes and patterns images. Using lights and shadows we were presented with lots of creative images and dance poses by the eVolution Dance Theatre.

The tempo changed upbeat and the routine continued with "Kelly Watch The Stars" by Air. Again not a song I knew but instantly liked.

What we were watching was almost like an updated version of the images we saw in the season 2 episode "Blood, Sweat and Circuits" during the song "Electricity" so from that point of view felt very Fame like. It might have been nice had they actually used that song or other tracks from the TV show to make it fit more into the rest of the concert. The routine lasted nearly 10 minutes and although very enjoyable by the end I was certainly eager for the cast to come on and sing

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