Man In The Mirror

"Man In The Mirror" Performed by Erica Gimpel, Nia Peeples, Cynthia Gibb, Jesse Borrego, Valerie Landsburg and Carlo Imperato with Lee Curreri on Piano.

Carlo Imperato then gave a monologue about seizing the day. The Italian translation was shown on the screen behind him. Even though it was a serious talk, Carlo couldn't help but make a couple of throwaway funny comments. (Sorry we don't have all the video of Carlo's speech. If anyone does have it and wants to share it then please contact me.)

Carlo had spoken to Lee (Cynthia's partner) to say how good he thought this song was. Lee mentioned that it was sounding better than Man in The Mirror and Carlo commented "We'll it's a better song!"

As the song ends the cast leave the stage as the audience calls out for more.

As Carlo Finished Nia Peeples, followed by Erica Gimpel came on stage to perform Michael Jackson's "Man in The Mirror". Followed by Cynthia Gibb and Valerie Landsburg. Then Carlo and Jesse Borrego joined them. I really liked the harmonies the cast worked out for this song.

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