Stairway To Heaven

"Stairway To Heaven" Performed by Erica Gimpel, Nia Peeples, Cynthia Gibb, Jesse Borrego, Valerie Landsburg , Carlo Imperato and Lee Curreri.

The music continues straight away. Nia Peeples takes Carlo Imperato by the hand and they walk to centre stage. It was lovely seeing these two so close. Nia joked that they used to be engaged but didn't get married. Carlo then starts singing "Stairway To Heaven".

I've never been particularly keen on this song and in rehearsals I thought it sounded very pleasant and I liked the harmonies but didn't take much notice. All the cast were on stage and then they started discussing the video footage of Gene. (It wasn't there in rehearsals.) Suddenly that got my attention and the song took on a while new meaning. So at the concert I was expecting it to be very moving and it certainly did as we clapped and cried. It was a lovely tribute to Gene Anthony Ray.

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