I Still Believe In Me

"I Still Believe In Me" Performed by Erica Gimpel, with Lee Curreri on Piano.

As the Screen was moved the narrator Marco Caronna started to talk about New York and Yellow Taxi Cabs and Angelo Martelli. Images of New York came on the screen at the back off the stage and Marco was holding a toy Taxi Cab. He then started talking about Bruno Martelli and Lee Curreri walks onto the stage.

Lee talks to Marco in Italian a little and then Mentions Erica Gimpel. Lee sits at the piano and starts to play the opening bars of "I Still Believe in Me".

"I Still Believe In Me" has always been a powerful song for me and the opening piano notes have the hairs on my body standing on end. As Erica belts out those high notes tears come to my eyes.

Erica Said: "It was so wonderful sharing the stage with Lee Curreri singing one of my favorites I STILL BELIEVE IN ME..."

Not only is this Erica's favourite but a fan favourite too, including mine. Erica sings it perfectly. She looks amazing and sounds amazing too.

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