Fame Version 1

"Fame" Performed by Erica Gimpel, Nia Peeples, Cynthia Gibb, Jesse Borrego and Carlo Imperato with Lee Curreri on Piano.

The narrator spoke some more and then images from the TV show came up on the screen at the back of the stage, intercut with children talking. Then the band started up playing the Fame theme.

The cast with the exception of Valerie all came on to the stage. Erica and Carlo particularly encouraged the audience to get up on their feet dancing (not that we needed much encouragement) and come closer to the stage. They enjoyed shaking peoples hands.

However the firemen in the house who had spent a long time before the show started checking things to see if they were deemed safe, were concerned for safety as everyone pushed towards the stage and they with some of the organisers quickly came to the front to push people back.

It was a little frustrating, when the cast obviously wanted the audience there but safety fears put a stop to it. Still we weren't going to let that stop us having a good time. As we moved back we all danced, sang and threw our hands in the air as the cast belted out the iconic theme song. The atmosphere was electric!

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