We Stand (Together, Forever) The Staple Singers

"We stand (Together Forever)" comes from the season 4 episode "I Never Danced For My Father" where it was performed by Gene Anthony Ray and Alan Weeks.


The song was written by Aaron Zigman and David Williams.

Aaron is an American award-winning composer who has scored more than 60 major Hollywood films and influenced other musicians and songwriters. He has written songs for the likes of Christina Aguilera, Phil Collins, Was (Not Was), John Legend, Dione Warwick, Ray Charles, Natalie Cole, Aretha Franklin, Tina Turner, and Seal.

David Aaron is an American award-winning composer who has scored over 50 feature and television films encompassing a wide range of styles and genres. He has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry.

He has scored movies like: Supernova, They Live In The Grey, No Way Back, soul Custody, Blindsided Phantoms, Freezer, to name a few.

Original Artist

The song was originally recorded by The staple Sisters in 1984 for their 1985 self Titled Album.

