Paula Simone Ashcroft

Fame Tour 1983

Micheal DeLorenzo outside Blackpool Opera House UK Tour...had a quick chat to him, very friendly, stopped to talk!

I have some (Photos) of when I met Lee and one when I met Gene, unfortunately they're not very good as the cameras back then were plastic crap! Still, they're reminders of a wonderful time for me!

A really bad shot of when I met Gene!

It really was unfortunate, I was so excited at my young age I forgot to ask for his autograph! At least I have photos ....he was lovely very high energy and that famous laugh the whole time, he was walking into the theatre from the coach, he was with Debbie. It was early, the others hadn't arrived, I got there 5 hours before that day! Blackpool theatre.

I told him I thought he was an incredible dancer and he said you are too!!!! Which of course I didn't understand as I was only 13 by then...He was just being him so down to earth.

He asked me if I was at the show that day and I said yes of course, he said to make sure I had a good time, I said I will then other fans came and that was it, I was pushed to the back and he went inside the theatre after signing a few autographs.....Great memory for me! However during the show I was at the front of the stage at one point and he was dancing, he saw me and smiled, of course I like to think he recognised me!!

So I met Lee a few times...but the best was also at Blackpool theatre, I'd been there as I said 5 hours before and after meeting Gene I walked to the back of the theatre to pass time. I was sitting on a wall and a guy walked into the back stage door, even at 13 I was cheeky enough to ask him if he'd send Lee out!

I was alone, It was before the crowds had started, I was sat on a wall minding my own business when suddenly Lee walked out!!! The guy with the briefcase had obviously asked him and he came! Well of course I was a 13 year old with the craziest crush ever, I just stared at him and didn't have a clue what to do or say.

He came over and asked my name and sat on the wall next to me! I think I was shaking all over!! I told him he was my first crush and all I did was think about him and he said that was so sweet and asked my age....I didn't want him to know I was only 13 and as I was tall and had make up on I looked about 16 so told him I was 16!!!

He asked me about the show, I told him I watched every episode without fail and recorded them and I also told him I'd just met Gene. He was so sweet and friendly and put me so at ease, just me and him sat on a wall, it was insane to me as he was for a 13 Year old a massive star!!! I still to this day remember how he smelt of aftershave! I told him I loved his hair and he said do you want to touch it jokingly, so I said yes!!! So he moved his head slightly so I could put my hand on his hair!

He then said he'd better get back to rehearsals and said it was lovely to talk with me and he'd see me at the show, as he jumped down off the wall I moved to give him a quick kiss but as he didn't realise he moved his head too fast and I ended up planting a kiss on his lips instead of his cheek, I was mortified and happy all at the same time!!! He was fine, he laughed and said bye, enjoy the show!

He went back inside and I was left in disbelief! I met him too in London but it was more difficult as other fans were around and being shy really I didn't push myself forward to get to him, wish I had, he saw me though and smiled but he was rushing from the hotel entrance into a coach everywhere, the usual....I'll always hold very dear to me the time I sat on a wall with him, it was so cute! (He also that day signed my T shirt, hence the t shirt I with his name on it!)

Me with my plastic camera and my arms round Lee whilst he trys to navigate a selfie style photo!!!

The back of Lee signing autographs for fans in London

I took this of Lee on stage about an hour or so after I'd been sat on the wall chatting to him.

This photograph is my favourite of Lee I took during the Blackpool show, he recognised me when I went to the stage to take his photo so stopped so I could take this day, this photo is still in a frame!! Of course back then it was by my bedside!

When I went to see the Kids from Fame back in 1983 I went along to their Birmingham concert, Gene was in this show so it must have been their front their first tour. I as usual got there a few hours early hoping to catch one or two of the cast. Birmingham NEC being so big I was a bit lost and ended up at one of the emergency exit doors I assume at the back of the arena. A few things still to this day baffle me as A) it was dark by then and B) For some reason I stayed there quite a long time waiting and hoping someone would come to the door. The bizarre thing was no one else was around. I remember I pulled on the door and it slowly moved open, I was intrigued, feeling like a naughty kid in the wrong place at the wrong time!

I looked inside it was a big, long corridor, I could always go in I thought, no one was there, no security, no one! I didn't have the nerve to walk inside and thought what would I do once I got inside anyway!!

I decided to close the door and was about to walk away when I heard it opening, it was Lori Singer! I looked at her and she looked at me bemused, probably thinking what is she doing here!!

I remember to this day she was wearing a short white dress and baby pink cardigan! "Hi" she says! Again being an awkward 13 year old I stumbled over my words, "I've come to see Lee", I said! Wrong thing to say! "So you don't want to see me" she said laughing!?

I remember blushing. "It's OK" I said, so she shut the door on me rolling her eyes!!

Looking back I don't blame her!!! I never did get to see Lee apart from in that show!

I actually took in a recorder to one of their concerts and taped the whole thing!!!! Wouldn't be allowed now of course ( not that it was allowed then!) So I actually have a full tape recording of one of the concerts!


U.K. Reunion 2019

OK so as I was too late in finding out about all the meet and greets. I never got the chance of speaking to Lee or any of them unfortunately I was literally gutted, I couldn't believe they were all in my home town and I'd missed it.

Anyway, I resigned myself to the fact that I had a ticket for the show so took my 13 year old so she could see what I was so obsessed about as a kid! She absolutely loved it and is now a Fame fan too, she loves Carlo! So on the drive back home she said to me, you need to go back tomorrow and give Lee a card with a message in it to tell him what he meant to you as a kid. So literally as we got home I went on line and there was one ticket left for the next day, the last day of concerts! I couldn't believe my luck, so I went back alone the next day with a card in my purse as a thankyou to all of them for what they'd done, how great an idea it was etc, etc... and a special mention to Lee.

During the interval at that show I went to the back stage door hoping if I opened it someone would allow me to pass it to Lee , but at the same time knowing I shouldn't really be there so didn't want to intrude, so I quickly popped my head in but there was no one in the corridor so I kept hold of it and when Lee finished one of his last songs , I was seated front row to the side where his piano was, so I stood up and shouted him over. Lee being Lee, came straight over and I gave it to him and gave him a quick hug, he was probably cursing me!!

Anyway a few months later a coupe of photos did the rounds on Facebook and I realised 2 of them was me giving Lee a hug!! So that was my special moment but sadly no, didn't get to speak to any of them which of course is what I'd have loved. I love them all I just had a thing for Lee as a kid so he's kind of extra special to me...oh and I also got to sing a few lines of "We Got The Power" with Carlo as I was at the front which was nice....someone pushed me out the way to get to him and he saw it happen so he came back and sang a few lines with me later on in the song!

Fame Tour Jacket

Remembering back to all the concert tours etc... back in 1983 one of the things that always stuck out in my mind was (for some unknown reason) the cast wearing their red Fame UK Tour jackets.

I saw most of the cast at different times and days wearing them although I never saw Lee in his (the few times I met him he was in light grey leather jacket). Anyway, I remember I asked Michael DeLorenzo about the jackets and he politely said he would give me his!!! He was walking from the coach and I'd just taken a few photos of him, unfortunately I don't know if he meant it or not but a guy with a briefcase, all business like looking, came along and rushed him into the back stage door so I never did get the jacket but it always stuck in my mind.

I don't know if they sold them at the concerts but I didn't have the money to buy one at 13 years old however it always stuck in my mind that one day I would own one, although I didn't know how or where I would get one from! I just knew I had to have one!

Fast forward to how many years later in 2021, I finally became the proud owner of a FAME UK Tour 1983 jacket! It was a childhood dream accomplished! I may never wear it but I have it hanging there in my closet!!!