Fan Fiction

Fame TV Series Fan Fiction

Revisit our favourite characters in new stories set in the past when the characters were in school and in the present as we follow the characters lives in what could have happened to them.

If you would like to submit fan fiction to the site please contact me at:

Fame Stories written by Mark Perkins

Wish Upon A Christmas Star

It's Christmas 1984, and the season 4 cast prepare to celebrate the holiday period.

For Danny, Holly, Leroy and Morloch it's going to be a Christmas to remember. With special appearance, holiday music this feel good story is told over 12 episodes.

(Click the Episode drop down menu below to reveal episode links.)

Out On Their Own

It's the End of Season 4, Doris and Leroy are graduating and finding it difficult to leave the school they love. While Cleo, Nicole and Jesse reminisce in the cafeteria, Leroy and Doris do some reminiscing of their own. Then it's time for a final goodbye.

The story takes place over 3 episodes.

(Click the Episode drop down menu below to reveal episode links.)

Doris Schwartz Time and Again

Something strange has happened to 46 year old Doris Schwartz. She has gone back in time 30 years to her teenage years at the New York High School for Performing Arts.

How did she get there and why? Can she avoid changing her own history and How does she get home to the Future? All will be revealed in 50 episodes spanning for Seasons.

(Click the Season drop down menus below to reveal episode links.)

Elizabeth Sherwood Investigates

Having left the School of the Arts, Elizabeth Sherwood has become a writer of murder mystery novels. Investigating potential story ideas she finds herself getting caught up in real life mysteries, which she then uses as the basis of the plots for her novels.

These are her adventures.

(Click the Story Title drop down menus below to reveal Chapter links.)

A Murder In The Family

David Reardon receives a mysterious letter from his Grandfather who has suddenly died. David enlists Elizbeth to investigate his family. Could one of them be a murderer?

Remember My Name!

Whilst on a book tour for her best selling novel "A Murder In The Family" Elizabeth acquires a stalker. She and her friends from the School of the Arts try to work out who it is?

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